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Collaborating with the world famous writer Alan Moore (V for Vendetta, The Watchmen, To Hell,
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) with his unique script and along with the work of known photographer
and film producer Mitch Jenkins, we were able to produce this beautiful visual epitaph.


"Steve Moore, who lives in the same room he was born in 61 years earlier, is a living metaphor for the history, geography and geology of Shooter's Hill and a conduit to the Greek gods and spiritual manifestations...
Is it great art? Yes!" - N.M.E.


“The men of Unearthing are only marginally of this plane of existence, and what they’ve created
is positively out of this world.” - The AV Club


“A tribute to a colleague and mentor and a demonstration that Moore has transcended
the boundaries of the graphic novel.” - The New York Times


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